Posts Tagged ‘Positivity’

Help Abundance Train become a Best Selling Book TODAY on Tuesday!

July 2, 2019

Dear friends,

Want to benefit from this Best Selling Book deal Today?

Today I am running a campaign to help my new book Abundance Train reach the best-selling book. And I definitely need your help!

For TODAY Tuesday July 2nd ONLY, “Abundance Train” Kindle version will be just $0.99 for One Day. After today its kindle book will be back to regular price $9.99.

I will be sooooooo grateful if you would help “Abundance Train” become a best-selling book! Your help will make a big difference!

Get “Abundance Train” Kindle book at only $0.99 on Tuesday TODAY for yourself and your loved ones, and please help share this news to your networks as well.

Abundance Train eBook Cover JPG 800x1210

Please comment to this post if you have already ordered this kindle book today to support me. Thank you in advance!

I am praying and crossing my fingers for a positive result with your help:).

Thank you for sharing this wonderful adventure and growth journey!

Please always feel free to ask me for help to support your dreams as well!

To your abundant happiness and success!

Love and blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundant Entrepreneurship and Thought Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Life Changers to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Leaders to Impact More Lives with Their Unique Gifts!

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.


Spring Link Tree:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passion and abundance.


Why Are They Successful?

January 15, 2019

why are they successful

Why are they successful?

I brought this inquiry on board of my 2Comma VIP Mastermind Cruise trip to get into closer look at how those successful ones are making bigger difference than majority others.

The 8 Days of cruise trip to Caribbean had been a spectacular and unforgettable journey! In addition to enjoying the wonderful masterminding, tourism and fun, I asked this question “Why are they successful?” to help my 2019 vision planning and goals setting to be more fulfilling.

You can see all my recent cruise photos and experiences shared on my Facebook Page:

Spring Zheng – Love, Serve, Fulfill.

Here’s what I learned in closer connections with them. Successful ones:

1. Have stronger BELIEF in themselves, clear IDENTITY and FAITH in what they are called to fulfill in their life;

2. Have clear and big VISION, set up BOLD GOALS and PASSIONATELY COMMIT themselves to accomplishing them;

3. Have clear ACTION PLAN and productive DAILY ROUTINE and HABITS to implement and keep at high performance;

4. SEEK, NETWORK and CONNECT actively with other successful ones and especially those beyond them and those whom they admire;

5. WORK OUT often and choose HEALTHY LIFESTYLE to keep themselves physically fit and mentally sharp;

6. Consistently STAND UP, dance with their own FEARS, but show up with CONFIDENCE;

7. Keep LEARNING to improve their MINDSET and SKILLS in their special zone;

8. Believe that TIME is more valuable than MONEY, and SPEED is more important than amount;

9. MEDITATE and REFLECT daily to keep consciousness and harmony in life and business;

10. Take analyzed RISKS and ADVENTURES to create OPPORTUNITIES;

11. FOCUS on daily RESULTS, CLOSING, and MEASUREMENT, and always find ways to improve;

12. Look at the POSITIVE and BRIGHT SIDE of any things where they could learn; and STAND UP AGAIN and AGAIN even after a serial of failures or fall downs, with better ways learned and stronger mindset;


I’d encourage you to print this out and post it near your sight. Review it every day and remind yourself how you can make success as well by learning from these success habits and insights.

Let’s make 2019 a greater transformative year on your journey toward abundance!

Where to start to make real difference as an expert and leader in your field? 

We are giving a free gift to visionary entrepreneurs and life changers who desire to provide great values with their unique genius, present confidently in the market, attract and empower more ideal clients, and make bigger impact as a leader in their field. If that’s you, Get your FREE Gift “Content Creator for Experts and Leaders” Now! You’ll also get access to the new “Master Content Creator”. Start to change the games for you and your clients since today!

Please feel free to share this gift link with other passionate entrepreneurs. Be a generous giver. You may be surprised by how more positive support and abundant resources you will attract back to you!:)

To Your Abundant Happiness and Success……

Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundant Entrepreneurship and Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Life Changers to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Leaders to Impact More with Their Unique Gifts!

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

Email:; or

Facebook Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Zheng – Love, Serve, Fulfill.

LinkedIn Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Instagram: @SpringZhengAbundance

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……

Spring Link Tree:


[Live Show Replay] 4 Strategies to Your No Excuse Zone and Big Difference

May 10, 2018

Small changes big Difference

Is there something or someone you are waiting for to make things happen in your life and business?


Are you often postponing your plans and results due to all kinds of reasons?


Are you often distracted from concentrating on your passion to make difference and succeed?


Learn the 4 effective strategies to enter your No Excuse Zone, make things happen and make big difference!


[Live Show Replay] **4 Strategies to Your No Excuse Zone and Big Difference**

I&I Time 25 - 20180510-4 Strategies to NoExcuseZone

If you need support to discover and claim your big WHY, Vision, Gifts, Courage and Confidence, overcome your any obstacles, and create your abundant life and business, apply for a complimentary one-on-one Abundant Business Breakthrough Session with Spring to make the transformations finally happen much faster than struggling by yourself.


If you desire to step up and stand out as a trusted expert and leader in your field, get my FREE 6-Day Magnetic Expert Power BootCamp today.


To Your Abundant Happiness and Success……


Love and Blessings,


Spring Zheng


Abundant Entrepreneurs Mentor

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Change Makers to Stand Out as Trusted Experts and Leaders to Impact with Their Unique Gifts!

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

Email:; or

Facebook Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action

LinkedIn Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……


Appreciation Challenge Day 7 – Love and Trust on Authenticity

November 26, 2015

lotus authenticity

In any relationship, how much of our time is wasted on doubting, guessing, misunderstanding, being disappointed, complaining and even shutting ourselves off? A lot of such time is wasted.

Scientific research showed that a human being can produce as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day, in which almost 98% are the same as what we thought last day, and about 70-80% of our daily thoughts are negative. So we get this famous quote: “Don’t believe everything you think”.

Our thinking influences our feelings. Positive thinking engenders positive emotions. We need watch out for our thinking as the majority of our thinking could be negative, which may turn our day to be gray or gloomy.

I find out that authenticity, or authentic being and communication could be like a magic, totally turning things around 180 degrees. It’s like a wind blowing clouds away and allowing the sun to appear shining again. Authenticity builds up trust, and trust builds up love. Any great relationship based on love needs trust and authenticity.

“The authentic self is the soul made visible”. We desire to connect soul to soul.

Authenticity also includes vulnerability, showing the true self including our weaknesses and wounds. We do not need play super hero. We do not need pretend to be perfect, or even supreme. Be our true self, and tell truth.

Today I appreciate that through a struggling of guessing each other and holding ourselves back, I decided to open my vulnerability to my husband and sincerely shared what I went through last night. We both got relieved and healed from the struggling. Authentic being and communication is the key for trust and love.

Authenticity is the key for any relationship, from love, family, friendships, to co-workers, partnerships, and the relationships between you and your clients. Today I also appreciate that I have been authentic to my coaching clients, and my social network, which helps me do great in my coaching and enjoy my work as well.

Dear friend, are you living with and showing the world your true self every day?

Is there any place of your life that you may feel struggling?

Is there any part of your life that you need build up more trust and love?

How would you increase your awareness, improve your authentic being and communication, and build up abundant relationships and environment around you?

Please feel free to share your comments and inspirations. Let’s welcome and embrace more trust and love in our life!

Love and Blessings,

Are you living your abundant life?
What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?
Are you doing what you love?
What are your true passions?
What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:
1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:
* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.
* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.
* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:
* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!

Appreciation Challenge Day 4 – You are Loved to Love, Serve and Forgive

November 22, 2015


Today is Sunday, the 4th day of the 21 Days Challenge of Appreciating Yourself and Sharing.

Today is really a physically, mentally and emotionally challenging day!

We volunteered to help Boy Scouts recruit local kids and leaders.

boy scout banner

It’s also the deadline to pack and submit the gift shoe boxes to support the charity of Samantha’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.

gift shoe boxes

After the church service with a special donation for thanksgiving, we joined a few other cub scouts families to the event of the Hall of Science, with an afternoon of scientific exploration with kids. Then we made to the Sunday evening swimming class for kids. By the end of the day, you can imagine how tired I was!

The good habit of appreciation is still trying to get me by the end of day. Some reflection and thoughts to share with you that may inspire and benefit you when you are having such busy days.

  1. All those charity and volunteering initiations helped local church,
    Boy Scouts, communities and remote kids in need. I feel happy for our contributions, also grateful that we can have the resources to help others. It’s also an important virtue to teach kids to learn appreciation, giving and sharing.
  2. I challenged my physical exhaustion and laziness to swim while kids were taking their swimming class. It turned out to be a great relaxation and exercise to my body.
  3. It’s most difficult to deal with sins, especially those from our loved and closed ones. Instead of arguing and fighting, I learned to find a quiet place to stay by myself, pray, and even cry out. It’s all patience and trust, to wait for and listen to what God wants me to learn and do. It’s the moment of gaining wisdom through pains, prayers and faith.
  4. I learned that we are loved by God unconditionally and eternally, to give love to this world, to serve this world with our talents and gifts, and to forgive whatever sins we may encounter in our growth journey. It’s definitely not easy, even difficult and painful. We grow and transform from it, and there’s a purpose in every pain.

The melody we sang today in the church is going to accompany me into good dreams: Your love never fails. It never gives up, never runs out on me……

How about you, my dear friend. Do you have any learning, any inspiration, any appreciation, and any sharing? Life is a journey to learn, love, serve, forgive, and grow. Whatever you are experiencing, please never forget that, you are loved to love, serve and forgive. Hold this faith and cherish your unique and precious life!

Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!


Take the Happy Rhythm of Spring

April 1, 2013

Spring seaon2

Dear All,

Wish you all have enjoyed a great Easter weekend! Spring is actually everywhere now.

The weather is becoming more pleasant. Birds are singing, people are singing too, flowers are blooming, fruits are ripe, more faces are smiling, and more happy activities are going on outdoors, online, at home, and basically everywhere. People are feeling somewhat relaxed in such environment, and also feeling a flush of wanting to welcome some changes in their lives, something different but also self-revealing and enjoyable. It’s the season of Spring, a natural season for new lives and changes. This is how lives should be, follow the natural rhythm of Spring, which makes life easier and happier.

What means to follow the natural rhythm of Spring? Remember two key words: New Life, and Joy. Dare to try what you naturally desire even though it means changes, and trust the universe will help you. Do your best and at the same time be relaxed to receive whatever the result could be. Don’t fix your expectation, don’t tighten your nerves, and don’t try to define the infinite potential in yourself and the universe. Yes you are a creator, but let the universe do its part as well, which most time is much better than our best imaginations, even though it may take longer time than we normally plan and can understand.

New life means not giving up your old life, in stead, it means appreciating all the blessings you have received going through ups and downs till now, and it also means looking forward, for what your life is meant to be, even though you can not see its clear picture yet. Look forward, and move forward. Try new things, make changes, build up better habits, enjoy the process, and appreciate the scenes through out the whole journey. No rush, no push, as the real meaning is not at the end, but in every discovery, every growth and every joy in every moment, and every day.

Feel the natural rhythm of your body, your feelings and your soul. Go more outside, watch, touch, smell, feel, emerge yourself into and catch the rhythm of Spring. When you feel the positivity, growth, expansion and joy, take that happy rhythm of Spring, the new life season, and the best time for growth. Spring is also the time for beauty and cleaning up negative and distracting thoughts, and purifying your soul. During other slow or blue days, remember that feeling of happy rhythm of Spring, do things no matter how big or small they are, as long as they make you feel good and better and till you re-catch up the happy rhythm of Spring, like a surfer catching up the right current to make the ride of freedom and joy.

The rhythm is already in you. Find it and feel it.
Enjoy a happy, creative and productive Spring!

Love In Action 2011 Day 51: Winter Blue to Opportunities

February 21, 2011

This winter we had more snow than rain, more shoveling than exercise, more wind than sunlight, more doctor visiting than parents visiting, more medicine than ice cream, more shopping than playing……we can all feel the winter blue on everyone’s tired and boring face……I thought, that’s enough!

So if we could see any problem as an opportunity, now it’s our time to do more exercise, replace bad habit with good habit, do to bed earlier, have more rest, eat more healthily, expose to more sunlight, …… and have more fun! That’s why in winter we have more holidays than in other seasons.

My son is not feeling the winter blue at all, as he has been drawing everything in rainbow almost every day. No matter how gray outside is, his painting is always colorful and cheerful.

Here is a video about “Turning Problems into Solutions”. Hope you will get some creativity inspiration:

I found the best way of turning around winter blue, is to play some simple games/exercises with family at home, something in which you need move and cooperate, and will laugh. Some games we played so far include Tom-Jerry chasing, dancing and playing music performance, and looking for moon and star. You could create your own family favorite games, or games to play with your good friends.  You could also find or prepare some jokes to shake the winter blue off from yourself and others.

From winter blue to opportunities, your first opportunity is to check and improve your positivity and creativity.

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 51 is:

  • Have you noticed any winter blue on yourself?
  • How would you bring to winter more fun and find your happiness again?
  • What’s your secret switch for winter blue to become a cheerful heart? I mean, something much more healthy and positive than shopping, eating, driving……
  • How would you help your family and friends get out of winter blue?  What creative ideas could you share? 

Love In Action 2011 Day 32: Positivity and Greatness

February 1, 2011

If you ever complain that life is unfair to you, and you want to see the most positive people on the earth, please watch this video.

It’s a brief story about the four-fingered pianist Hee Ah with her mother Kapsun. Hee Ah Lee was born severely disfigured, with no legs below her knees and only four fingers. Despite these incredible limitations, she started playing piano solely as a therapy for her condition, but thereafter developed a passion for it. Since then she found a dream and pursued it.

She is now a brilliant, phenomenal pianist who not only is a great player, but plays concerts! This is an inspiring story that demonstrates the principle “you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. Listen as she plays Chopin’s “Fantasie Impromptu”, a difficult composition!

Life seemed unfair to them since the beginning, while Hee Ah’s mother and she faced all the difficulties and challenged the impossibilities. Now they have made their dream come true. They are appreciating life, enjoying life, while also continuing the fight with disabilities and difficulties of life.  

What have we learned from them? We could not see all the tears and pains behind the flowers and claps, which may be beyond our imaginations. We hear their laughter and humors, and we see their peace and contentment. That’s what I call magic lives.

Hee Ah’s mom Kapsun called her daughter’s two-finger hands as “Tulips”, and her face as “full moon”. And the mother’s eyes were full of appreciation and smile even when she was massaging the red and swollen tips of Hee Ah’s incomplete legs. What could be more beautiful and eternal than a mother’s love!

There is not only positivity on them, but the greatness. It’s the greatness of love creating magic from desperation, the greatness of courage conquering all fears, the greatness of hope creating meanings from nothing, the greatness of bearing persisting through all darkness, the greatness of appreciation thanking all the pains and tears, and the greatness of giving bringing lights to the whole world. It’s the greatness hiding within all of us, the deepest energy, power and light of every life.

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 32 is:

  • If you dream about something but think it’s impossible and would give up, think about Hee Ah and her mother. Listen again to Hee Ah’s playing “Fantasie Impromptu”!
  • If you want to be a great mother, think about Hee Ah’s mother and remember her peaceful smile.
  • If you desire to be great and impactful, be the hero first with yourself. It starts from understanding yourself, to any small challenges, to big targets, to your dreams, to helping others, to creating difference to make the world a better place.

In the greatness, we are together.