Posts Tagged ‘authenticity’

Appreciation Challenge Day 7 – Love and Trust on Authenticity

November 26, 2015

lotus authenticity

In any relationship, how much of our time is wasted on doubting, guessing, misunderstanding, being disappointed, complaining and even shutting ourselves off? A lot of such time is wasted.

Scientific research showed that a human being can produce as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day, in which almost 98% are the same as what we thought last day, and about 70-80% of our daily thoughts are negative. So we get this famous quote: “Don’t believe everything you think”.

Our thinking influences our feelings. Positive thinking engenders positive emotions. We need watch out for our thinking as the majority of our thinking could be negative, which may turn our day to be gray or gloomy.

I find out that authenticity, or authentic being and communication could be like a magic, totally turning things around 180 degrees. It’s like a wind blowing clouds away and allowing the sun to appear shining again. Authenticity builds up trust, and trust builds up love. Any great relationship based on love needs trust and authenticity.

“The authentic self is the soul made visible”. We desire to connect soul to soul.

Authenticity also includes vulnerability, showing the true self including our weaknesses and wounds. We do not need play super hero. We do not need pretend to be perfect, or even supreme. Be our true self, and tell truth.

Today I appreciate that through a struggling of guessing each other and holding ourselves back, I decided to open my vulnerability to my husband and sincerely shared what I went through last night. We both got relieved and healed from the struggling. Authentic being and communication is the key for trust and love.

Authenticity is the key for any relationship, from love, family, friendships, to co-workers, partnerships, and the relationships between you and your clients. Today I also appreciate that I have been authentic to my coaching clients, and my social network, which helps me do great in my coaching and enjoy my work as well.

Dear friend, are you living with and showing the world your true self every day?

Is there any place of your life that you may feel struggling?

Is there any part of your life that you need build up more trust and love?

How would you increase your awareness, improve your authentic being and communication, and build up abundant relationships and environment around you?

Please feel free to share your comments and inspirations. Let’s welcome and embrace more trust and love in our life!

Love and Blessings,

Are you living your abundant life?
What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?
Are you doing what you love?
What are your true passions?
What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

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