Posts Tagged ‘the Law of Attraction’

Have You Decided to Succeed

July 25, 2016

determined to fly

I’d share with you a recent experience of my first time cliff climbing. I had no specially trained skill, no big arm strength, not even enough courage plus some fear of height which I just found out when I was half way to the top:(…… But I made it to the tops! Guess what’s the secret that I have?

My kids were with me exploring the new sport. I had the DETERMINATION that I must make it, for my kids, and for myself as well.

Spring Cliff Climbing 2

This is not the first time that I found that determination helps us accomplish things easier and better even though the original opportunity of win is tiny. Determination, as a form of supreme affirmation and positivity, even helps The Law of Attraction manifest faster. Did you have such kind of experience or breakthrough when you finally made a decision? I have manifested many things when I determined to make them, from jobs, to relationships, to houses and many other opportunities.

Think about the thing you want to fulfill the most……

Have you made the decision that you must achieve it?

Do you have the determination to make it?

If so, you have already half way succeeded! Now it’s time to go get it!!

Do you have a purposeful passion that you want to fulfill? Do you have a business that you love and want to succeed?

It’s time to unleash your purpose, passion and gifts, build up your success mindset and use key strategies to create your business and life of greatness. You are called to take action NOW. It is easy and rewarding, once you make your decision and determination!

* Download our enlightening FREE eBook “The Abundance Code” plus access to Free Webinar Training: “CREATE Your Abundance: The 5W’s Secret to Do What You Love and Succeed”.

Landing Page July27 photo

** Our signature coaching program is just opened for enrollment! The cart only opens for a few days. Catch up this great opportunity NOW!

“The Abundance Code ~ Unleash Your Purpose and Passion to C.R.E.A.T.E a Lucrative Business and Meaningful Impact in the World!”


I look forward to supporting you to create a successful business and an abundant life that you enjoy!

Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundance & Thought Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Business Owners to Do What You Love and Succeed

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

Email:; or

Skype Account: SpringMagicLife

Telephone: 646-662-8297

LinkedIn Group: Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action

Facebook Group: Abundance Code for Visionaries

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……

Appreciation Challenge Day 21 – Choose to Live Abundantly No Matter What

December 9, 2015

ripple effect

Today is the last day of my 21 Days Challenge of Appreciating Yourself and Sharing. From Nov. 19th to Dec. 9th, I can’t believe it that I have made it so quickly and so enjoyably, even through 3 busy weekends!:) This appreciation habit will definitely continue in my life as one of the most important success habits.

I initiated this challenge for one of my clients. The great news is, he has accomplished meeting this challenge too, and he is committed to a greater 2016, at the same time he is inspiring and encouraging his network of over thousand of people! This ripple effect to help others transform their lives makes me the happiest. I believe I will help more people to live their fulfilling lives. I hope you are benefiting from the profound effect of appreciation and my sharing.

This little success is not saying that life is all rainbows now. No, definitely not. We still face daily challenges, even big trials, some are very painful. Some of the past could still haunt in us time from time and try to block us from achieving what we want.

“We do not succeed in spite of our obstacles and challenges. We succeed precisely because of them.” ~ Richard Paul Evans

Now it’s your choice. Everyday we could face such time of choice. Choose to live in scarcity and frustration, or choose to live in abundance and appreciation.

Here are 8 strategic ways for you to create and live an abundant life since today. Some of them could be mini processes that your life needs every day:

  1. Put yourself back to the Center of your life, and Love yourself unconditionally
  2. Cleanse all the past negativities and fears that are not serving you any more. Remember it’s your choice!
  3. Discover and embrace your purpose, passions and gifts, and commit to doing what you love instead of staying in your comfort zone and ignoring the meaning of your life, or keeping tolerating the status quo because of any fears
  4. Learn from the best, reflect and refocus to lift yourself up
  5. Reconnect with your best friends and make new good friends
  6. Fill your life with curiosity, creativity and fun by hobbies and new adventures
  7. Appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate every day
  8. Share, Give, Inspire, Empower, master your energy flow and attract more abundance to you. Remember, to get what you want the most, give it first!

Dear friend, practice above ways, and watch what you are experiencing and feeling differently. Every one of the 8 ways could be expanded to be a great practice with targets, markers, strategies and actions to achieve the best results in short time. You can even build up new success habits by keeping practicing these ways which will benefit your whole life. If you need further help and someone to hold you accountable on this abundance journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Love and Abundance are our choices. No matter what we are experiencing, no matter what will appear in the future, we succeed and create abundance in our life precisely because of our trails, fears, obstacles, challenges and struggling. Let’s claim this birthright of our lives: we choose to live happily and abundantly no matter what!

I wish our appreciation journey will continue through every day of our lives. I know it’ll be true for myself and I will be happy to support you through your life as well. You are welcome to share your comments, stories and inspirations. Please share this article with others who may benefit from it. Thank you!

Sincere Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng


Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Strategy Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you’d like to connect with me and our communities:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!


Appreciation Challenge Day 19 – Use Your Best Gifts to Create an Abundant Life

December 7, 2015

gifts people

Today is my mother’s birthday and she is 69 now.

My mom is an ordinary and traditional Chinese woman. She has a humble life without big things to boast, but some gifts have definitely been shining through her life to make her a unique contribution to people around her.  My mom had a tough childhood during China’s most chaos years in its contemporary history. She lost her parents when she was little. She was adapted by a family without children. When she was a teenager, China’s Cultural Revolution impacted the adaption family that they were persecuted by local authorities who also forced my mom to draw a line from them. My mom joined the local opera troupe to start work and support herself when she was about 10. With only an elementary education at a level of grade, she developed herself to be an opera artist with her eager of learning, intelligence and diligence. She has been a great learner all her life. Her artistic talents in singing, dancing and performance have brought people big enjoyment of life, and have continued to enrich herself and others even after her retirement.

My mom has another impressive gift, that her sincerity, openness, easy going and kindness have attracted her many friends. She can make new friend at any minute anywhere she is, and always be ready to help. One example among many about my mom’s personal charm is, she made new friends with a couple in New York City’s community park while she was visiting us, they treated her dinner, and after she returned to China, the couple have been in touch with her for a few years till now. Having friends is a treasure. My mom just celebrated her 69th birthday with a bunch of friends in Beijing and took quite some pictures. She was happy and looked like still in her 30’s! Without me and my sister’s families near her, she is handling her retirement life very well. I made a wish that we will gather to celebrate her 70th birthday and she could live with us in the near future.

Among my mom’s all gifts, the best is shining from her diamond heart. She is the one from whom I find the most love, and the most pure and unconditional love. Then came my two children, a double proof of unconditional love. Whenever I may have doubt of human love in this world, I look at them three, my perfect heroes with love. When we were living together, she always took care of me in every detail. She loved her grand kids similar way too. Now living in distance, she would share with us dozens of news and TV photo resources everyday through social media on health, nutrition, beauty, etc. all positive ones. I have shared quite some great resources from my mom to my network. She is part of my inspirations!

My mother represents an ordinary person with special gifts, who can live an abundant life that overflows to influence and enriches people around. You, my dear friend, also have your special gifts, your unique ones, that are blessed to you to give to others.

The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.

~ David Viscott

Dear friend, what are your best gifts? What gifts would you further develop and give to the world? I hope you can discover and write down your top 5 gifts, use them to give and serve, build up your dream career with your gifts, and create an abundant life that is meaningful and fulfilling!

We’d love to hear your comments, story and inspirations! Please share this article with others who may benefit from it. Thank you!

Sincere Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng


Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Strategy Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you’d like to connect with me and our communities:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!

Appreciation Challenge Day 15 – Invite and Embrace New Opportunities

December 3, 2015

touch opportunity.jpg

Everyday, while I am learning, creating, giving, sharing, connecting and serving, I build up the energy exchange with the world and universe. It’s invisible, but I can feel the flow.

You can not sit there day-dreaming that opportunities will visit you and good things will automatically happen in your life. You need actions. Sometimes things may occur slowly and not meet your expectation. Be patient, be optimistic, keep your work, and learn to adjust your methods to communicate and serve better. Sometimes, you can sense that opportunities are in the air, as long as you reach out your arms. Keep on your efforts!

I am grateful that I am in action and started inviting new opportunities like public speaking in my mind first, even though I know it’s my biggest challenge and stretching. I know that I need it, my services and clients need it. Secretly I know I will enjoy it more someday, or even love it. I have a great call and great messages that desire to fly out, to touch and transform every life that they can reach. So today I accepted another actual invitation to speak by a partner, yes, more I want! My mind is kicking, while my heart and arms are preparing to embrace greater opportunities!

Are you also looking forward to a new level of life? To invite great new opportunities, you need be clear about the five keys:

  1. Your purpose
  2. Your passions
  3. What you want to achieve
  4. What resources and challenges you need to lift you from the comfort zone to where you really want to be
  5. What you can do today to make you closer to what you want

Check the above 5 keys, how many are you clear about now? What would you do now to clarify these keys in your life, so that you can be ready to invite and embrace more wonderful opportunities?


We’d love to hear your comment, story and inspirations! Please share this article with others who may benefit from it. Thank you!

Sincere Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!



Appreciation Challenge Day 14 – Believe In Yourself and Your Dream

December 2, 2015


I attended the Joint Venture Inside Circle’s monthly call for members who are most coaches. One inspiration the mentors shared was an encouragement for us all to hold onto our own genius zone, and believe in ourselves.

Every day we could get lost in our busyness and meet many challenges. We could feel stresses from work, relationships, finance, physical environment……yet normally the biggest stress and challenge come from within ourselves: our fears, our disappointment, our insecurity, and our doubts in ourselves. We are often so harsh on ourselves, that people say, we are our own worst enemy. No kidding, every day you can experience such self sabotaging many times consciously and unconsciously.

When you have a dream, or a desire, that you really want to realize, you can always feel some level of tension inside of you. Your dream wants to expand you, while your fears and doubts would try to contract you. You will experience much conflicts and even pains inside. You will become confused not knowing which voice to listen to and follow. No wonder The Secret emphasized that Believing is the most difficult while also most important phase.

Believing in yourself is the biggest struggling of any human being, and also the biggest secret to success!

I love these quotes too:

“If you do not believe in yourself, who will?”

“Believe in yourself, others will follow!”

“Believe in yourself, anything is possible!”

Sometimes, only quotes are not enough. We need more practices and strategies.

I’m appreciated that such inner struggling experiences helped me find out some great ways to deal with it so I can bounce back quickly. Here are some tips for you.

  1. Face Yourself Honestly (Self Love)

Acknowledge all your feelings including the stresses and frustrations. Accept and embrace yourself, both good and bad, knowing that you are right what and where you are supposed to be.

  1. Remind Yourself The Big Picture (Intention)

Every one has a shared purpose in this world, to fulfill abundance and happiness, for yourself, also for people you can serve with your gifts and talents. Your specific way to live in and serve this world is your unique purpose. Be clear about what your purpose is, and hold this big picture in your heart every day. Also post it where you can see easily, at home and in office.

  1. Be Present (Attention and Creation)

Engage in everything you are doing, align it with your big picture, see how important it is to help you get closer to your big picture. Prioritize your time to do more of those that can help you get closer to fulfill your purpose and dreams.

  1. Keep Your Sun Shining (No Tension)

Many personal development ways can help you relax and lift yourself up. Meditation, appreciation, your Thankful List, visualization, affirmation, reading, learning, taking nutritious food, exercising, making art crafts, playing with children, retreat, connecting with positive network, volunteering…… or at even higher level, getting regular coaching or mentoring to hold yourself accountable and uplifted to achieve better targets more effectively.

These practices will help you strengthen your faith and your mind muscles to believe more in yourself and your dreams, at the same time, to attract what you want with more ease and joy. Let’s ACT today! Always feel free to ask me for more help.

believe in yourself

We love to hear your story and inspirations! Please share this article with others who could benefit from it. Thank you!

Sincere Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!

Appreciation Challenge Day 13 – Giver Is The Happiest

December 2, 2015

give heart

Today a piece of news shocked the world. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and chief executive of Facebook, announced that he and his wife would give 99 percent of their Facebook shares during their lives – holdings currently worth more than $45 billion – to charitable purposes. The pledge was made in an open letter to their newborn daughter, Max, who was born about a week ago. They are forming a new organization, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, to manage the money. Their initial areas of focus will be personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities.

Today the Internet and the world are full of this news, in different languages! It lifted up great positive energy waves. Most people admire their initiation, and believe that the whole world will benefit from it.

This time, people are not saying that I do not have that kind of money to spoil. Most are supporting them and expressed that they would help others in their own abilities, no matter it’s big or small, in material or not.

More and more people are awakening to this truth: giver is the happiest!

I really appreciate great people like Bill Gates and the Zuckerberg couple for what they have been doing and contributing to this world. This world is better because of them. They are the ones who really understand the truth of happiness and meaning of life.

I feel very happy to share their inspiring news to my friends near and remote, discuss with them, encourage each other to become better persons with more health, joy, success and contributions to this world. Some of them even started to study the charitable foundations rules in the US so they may utilize that someday when they become financially successful.

Dear friend, we do not need wait till we become rich to do goodness to this world. We can contribute in every day, no matter what we have now. Everything is energy. Starting from your compassion, smile, inspiration, encouragement, sharing, prayer, blessing, little charity, a hand to help others, extra materials to give, volunteering…… The world is full of opportunities for us to give!

Tony Robbins said, “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

Dear friend, please always remember, giver is the happiest! I wish you have this blessing to give and to be happy every day!

happy balloon

We always love to hear your story and inspirations! Please share this article with others who could benefit from it. Thank you!

Sincere Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!



Appreciation Challenge Day 9 – Sesame Open the Door

November 28, 2015

door lock

Today I went to shopping with kids. After we returned home with a full car trunk of goods, I just found out that I forgot to bring the home key with me! And I have not got a chance to hide a spare key out side the house.

I called my husband a few times, no answer. I did not know where he was and when he may return home. All the windows are closed too.

I had to ask my neighbor to borrow a latter from them. Luckily they were having some construction workers helping updating their AC system and rebuilding the backyard. They not only sent a latter, but also their project manager climbed up for me to the second floor balcony. He then used a piece of wood to climb from the side balcony to the front door balcony, where there is a window of a room on the second floor. He tried different ways even with some tools, but could not open the double layered window.

My neighbor asked us to go to some nearby restaurant to wait for my husband to return, that we didn’t know when it would be and how long we had to wait. I decided that I could not let my kids and I be locked outside of our home and wait for hours.

So I looked around and investigated the house outside, and plead the project manager to try the bathroom window on another side, which is smaller but with inner window unlocked, and I asked him to cut the outside screen so he could get in. With his courage and clever move, and that piece of wood, he made it! We got into home in half an hour after we asked for the latter and help!

Both kids and I thanked the kind neighbor, the nice and capable project manager (with good tips of course:), and the great God! I’m also appreciative to my kids and myself that we did not give up and kept positive through the way.

This time we were much luckier than last time when I locked my car key in its trunk by accident! There were no help nearby. I searched on Youtube for tips how to open the locked car door, and tried different ways using different tools. I tried over one hour and almost gave up many times during the difficult process, but I still sustained and persisted. I finally opened it after one hour! I could claim myself experienced door opener now:), not because of any advanced tools, but my determination and persistence.

We could meet many challenges and difficulties in our life journey. Many times we may feel the door is closed to us and we do not have the key. We may even pray that, Sesame, Open the Door! But the door keeps locked. We try many times, by different ways, the door keeps closed. In desperation, we may want to quit, or we may want to change to other doors to go for different targets which may be not necessarily what we want the most. Many times we find that, the best we want, the more challenges we may meet. The results are most depending on how determined we are and how persistent we could execute. We need be willing to claim “Sesame, Open the Door” for no matter how many times and also believe in it!

Today as I am learning and reflecting on this new experience, it helped me to reopen my mind and heart to make different decisions on some most important and also most difficult things in my life: my love and my core relationship. I made new determination and would persist till I find the key I lost and the new key to my best dream.


Dear friend, are you determined to get what you want the most? Would you persist till you realize your dream? How would you be strengthened and held accountable through this journey of exploration and creation? We’d love to hear your comments and sharing!

Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!



Appreciation Challenge Day 8 – Happy Thanksgiving with a Love Plan Fun

November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 

Dear friend, today is Thanksgiving, one of the most important holidays in North America, and worldwide as well.

So many people are happy and busy, sharing gratitude, sharing best-wish messages, sharing big feasts with turkeys, sharing love to their families and friends, sharing creative ideas to make this holiday more special…… Since this holiday, people are also starting to plan for the next year with more hope and positivity. What is your plan for today and your future?

My son is thankful for everything and that people created this holiday so he could have a good sleep:). His wish is to sleep more, watch more TV and iPad, travel around the world and visit every country, play more with the family, and learn every day.

My daughter is thankful for family, school, life, and food, as she is enjoying her delicious herb soup for her cough. She is looking forward to going to the third grade, learning better, having good time with her friends, helping the teachers, going to fancy vacations, and becoming a good chef herself!

What a gift and blessing they are for my life!

I love this holiday, one of the most positive holidays. The great energy is everywhere……

I finally can express my gratitude for a year of tests with struggling, learning, growth and breaking through. At the beginning I could not understand, and questioned and even blamed God for all the horrible things I went through. Now I am growing beyond my situations every day. Even though the future is still uncertain and I am still learning and growing, I am ready to create and embrace an abundant year of love, wisdom, happiness and success, in both giving and receiving. I desire to touch and pour every soul and life that I could reach with abundant love, wisdom, joy and prosperity. I can’t wait to see what plan God has for my life and the doors He would open for me.

Dear friend, what are you most grateful for? Are you clear about the plan for your life and your purpose and mission in this world? How would you open a new chapter of your life?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

I wish you are holding the hope and preparing for a prosperous future that God has planned for you!

Love plan plane

Here is a fun exercise and game for this Thanksgiving. To create a Love Plan, so you can give love for a whole year. You can use an excel worksheet for easy organization and update.

Step 1. In the first column, vertically write down PEOPLE categories: the names of your loved, then categories of people that you plan to reach like your friends, coworkers, clients, partners, etc.

Step 2. Horizontally on the first row, write down WAYS  OF LOVE that you would give through, for example, gifts on birthday, daily expression or quote, weekly inspiration or article sharing, meet up, holiday party, special event, etc.

Step 3. Finally in the matrix you created, mark where you’d give a specific way of love to which people. Now you get your LOVE PLAN for a whole year to give people your love and a good reason to thank for!

You can make a game board with it, or combine it with a calendar. You can also plan and play it together with your loved ones. Be creative and have fun!

Love game

Please let us know your comments and inspirations. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!


Appreciation Challenge Day 7 – Love and Trust on Authenticity

November 26, 2015

lotus authenticity

In any relationship, how much of our time is wasted on doubting, guessing, misunderstanding, being disappointed, complaining and even shutting ourselves off? A lot of such time is wasted.

Scientific research showed that a human being can produce as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day, in which almost 98% are the same as what we thought last day, and about 70-80% of our daily thoughts are negative. So we get this famous quote: “Don’t believe everything you think”.

Our thinking influences our feelings. Positive thinking engenders positive emotions. We need watch out for our thinking as the majority of our thinking could be negative, which may turn our day to be gray or gloomy.

I find out that authenticity, or authentic being and communication could be like a magic, totally turning things around 180 degrees. It’s like a wind blowing clouds away and allowing the sun to appear shining again. Authenticity builds up trust, and trust builds up love. Any great relationship based on love needs trust and authenticity.

“The authentic self is the soul made visible”. We desire to connect soul to soul.

Authenticity also includes vulnerability, showing the true self including our weaknesses and wounds. We do not need play super hero. We do not need pretend to be perfect, or even supreme. Be our true self, and tell truth.

Today I appreciate that through a struggling of guessing each other and holding ourselves back, I decided to open my vulnerability to my husband and sincerely shared what I went through last night. We both got relieved and healed from the struggling. Authentic being and communication is the key for trust and love.

Authenticity is the key for any relationship, from love, family, friendships, to co-workers, partnerships, and the relationships between you and your clients. Today I also appreciate that I have been authentic to my coaching clients, and my social network, which helps me do great in my coaching and enjoy my work as well.

Dear friend, are you living with and showing the world your true self every day?

Is there any place of your life that you may feel struggling?

Is there any part of your life that you need build up more trust and love?

How would you increase your awareness, improve your authentic being and communication, and build up abundant relationships and environment around you?

Please feel free to share your comments and inspirations. Let’s welcome and embrace more trust and love in our life!

Love and Blessings,

Are you living your abundant life?
What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?
Are you doing what you love?
What are your true passions?
What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:
1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:
* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.
* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.
* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:
* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!

Appreciation Challenge Day 5 – Be Open and Grateful to People and Opportunities

November 23, 2015

 open to surprise

Following the JV Experience event I just attended in Irvine California one week ago, a JV attendee reached to me to further connect. I accepted and had the phone call with him. It turned out that we have a great shared niche and passion in coaching. I learned new inspirations from this partner and his message to the world. We agreed to keep the conversation while we develop our own coaching business. Who knows, maybe we can become business partners in the near future. I am very grateful for opening to such conversation and connection.

Life is full of surprises, and opportunities. You can never predict what will exactly happen next. The best way is to keep yourself open, and grateful to the people who come into our lives and bring in new learning and expanding opportunities.

Open hands

I love coaching, because it not only uses my gifts to help and impact others, it also helps me learn, grow and create every day, and watch the new things come into my life.

One caution is, there are so many creative people delivering good messages, there’s so much information online, you could easily get overwhelmed by all the messages and opportunities. While opening yourself up, how could you save time and energy and catch the most meaningful things for your life? The answer is, you need be clear about your own purpose and passions, and what you truly desire for your life. Then every choice of life is to align with your own purpose, passions and joy, which is like your life compass, to best realize your dreams.


I am grateful that I have taken time to explore and reveal myself, and clarify my purpose, passions and gifts.

I am grateful that I am now doing what I love, inspiring and empowering others.

I am grateful that I am faithful on my path pursuing my dreams no matter what it takes.

Dear friend, are you opening yourself to meaningful new people and new opportunities that will help you fulfill your purpose and passions? What would you explore, by yourself, or maybe with some others as well? Discover yourself, open yourself to the universe, and allow the universe to surprise you!


Love and Blessings,



Are you living your abundant life?

What does it look like to be in your dream life? How would you feel if you were living your dream life?

Are you doing what you love?

What are your true passions?

What are blocking your from fulfilling your passions and dream life?

I have limited seats of Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching for those who really desire to live on their purpose and passions, and fulfill a meaningful life with abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success. Contact me at or to apply for a Breakthrough Coaching Session that will lead to your greatest discovery and transformation!

You can further connect with me and access our passion communities for more empowering resources. Only two easy steps to open a new world for yourself:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive Emails with great resources on How to Discover and Fulfill Your Purpose, Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with me and our community:

* Invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn, and Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”.

* Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.

* Subscribe to my inspiring Blog:

* Follow me on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your passions and challenges. We are here for you to fulfill your best dreams!