Posts Tagged ‘strategies’

My Interview Goes Live Today to Help You Create a Successful Online Business

June 22, 2018


The Women’s Entrepreneur Series; Strategies For A Successful Online Business has began!

If you have always dreamed of running a thriving online business from the comfort of your home, then I want to personally invite you to register for the empowering and informative event hosted by Robyn Bennett!

This free speaker series has 25+ experts, including me, sharing our top strategies, tips and insider secrets on how to run a successful online business and have fun while doing it!

Becoming an entrepreneur, running your own business, finding financial freedom and living the life you’ve always wanted is possible.

Make sure to take 30 seconds to register for this series and mark it on your calendar!

For your FREE ticket, CLICK HERE 

Today is my day to go LIVE in Woman Entrepreneur Series; Strategies For A Successful Online Business! If you haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late!

Starting your own online business can be daunting, and I want to help you find the courage and confidence to get started OR fine-tune the work you’ve already done so you can increase your impact and revenue!

Click the link below to get FREE access to this speaker series and learn secrets and strategies that took ordinary women like you and turned them into influential, successful entrepreneurs!
See you soon!:)


To Your Abundant Happiness and Success……


Love and Blessings,


Spring Zheng


Abundant Entrepreneurs Mentor

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Change Makers to Stand Out as Trusted Experts and Leaders to Impact More with Their Unique Gifts!

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

Email:; or

Facebook Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Zheng – Love, Serve, Fulfill.

LinkedIn Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Instagram: @SpringZhengAbundance

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……



Woman Entrepreneur Series for Successful Online Business

June 13, 2018


Dear fellow woman entrepreneurs:


Are you wondering what’s your next step in your online business?


Maybe you’re a seasoned entrepreneur who is ready for your next innovative business experience…


Or maybe you’re already running an online business but want to take it to the next level…


Whether you’ve been an entrepreneur for years or you’re just getting started, I’ve got something VERY exciting just for you!


I have been invited to participate as an honored speaker in the WOMAN ENTREPRENEUR SERIES! A professional lineup of successful WOMEN business experts and leaders who will be sharing their top strategies for running a thriving online business from the inside out!


>You can register for the event by clicking THIS LINK(It’s Free!!!!)


This is an incredible opportunity to hear from TOP female CEOs, authors, strategists and motivational speakers about the challenges facing today’s women entrepreneurs and how to overcome them.


Each speaker has been selected carefully because of their experience going from ground zero to creating a booming online business made with their own UNIQUE brands, perspectives and talents.


Register now and discover:

  • How to create a strong business idea
  • How to fully utilize your unique talents and skills
  • What it means to be your own boss
  • How to run a successful online business while maintaining balance in the home and in life
  • Step-by-step advice on launching your company online
  • How to navigate social media platforms and changing algorithms
  • How to attract your ideal clients/customers
  • Tips to overcoming your biggest fears, obstacles and challenges
  • When to expand and bring on employees
  • How to work ON your business instead of IN your business

And much, much more!


Starting your own online business can be daunting, and I want to help you find the courage and confidence to get started OR fine-tune the work you’ve already done so you can increase your impact and revenue!


If you want a successful business that enables you to work from home, have more time with your family…


If you want a business that creates financial freedom for you to travel the world and live your ideal lifestyle…


If you want to stop clocking in and out, be your own boss and blow the ceiling off your potential…


If you want to stop trading dollars for hours…


Then this event is FOR YOU!


>Register HERE for the Woman Entrepreneur Series


I can’t wait to see you there!


Imagine what a group of motivated, capable, fearless women can create together? This event is designed to uplift, empower and instill a deep love and confidence in women entrepreneurs of 2018 (YOU!). Real women raise each other up and create massive impact in the world TOGETHER. Join us by clicking here! 


To Your Abundant Happiness and Success……


Love and Blessings,


Spring Zheng


Abundant Entrepreneurs Mentor

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Change Makers to Stand Out as Trusted Experts and Leaders to Impact More with Their Unique Gifts!

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

Email:; or

Facebook Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Zheng – Love, Serve, Fulfill.

LinkedIn Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Instagram: @SpringZhengAbundance

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……


Launching “Abundant Moms” Coaching Meetup Group

November 4, 2014

“Abundant Moms” Coaching Meetup Group

abundant flowers

You are what you think of yourself to be and what you immerse yourself in!

If you want to build up balance out of your daily busy schedules, and reveal and live on your purpose, passions and gifts……

If you want to do what you love, fulfill yourself and create financial success……

If you want to live everyday to its fullness with love, wisdom and happiness……

If you want to be the role model and impact your children positively and teach them how to be the owners and creators of their own lives……

If you want to create abundance for your loved ones and change your family’s legacy forever……

If you want to connect with other passionate moms to make all the above abundance happen right away……

Come to join us!

This coaching meetup group is for Visionary Moms, who dare to dream of living in abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success, who commit to realizing their dreams and passions with strategic actions, and who dedicate to changing their family’s future by teaching their children to be responsible and money-smart and create their own life abundance too!

Every month 4 weekly meet up coaching workshops:
1. Purpose, Passions, Gifts and Abundance
2. Goals, Strategies, Planning and Prioritization
3. Success Habits, Actions, and Measurable Results
4. Teach Your Children to be Responsible, Money-Smart, and Abundant

Mastermind and group brainstorming will be facilitated, many prestigious tools will be taught and practiced, like the Holistic Life Model, the Law of Attraction, Abundance Model, Passion Test, Multiple Energy Applications, Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment and Reading, etc. so expect to be highly inspired and empowered through every session!

For more details and surprising special offers available within limited time, please visit our website:

Abundant Moms Coaching Meetup Group

What Networking and Relationships Can Boost Your Success – Part 2 of 3

September 18, 2013

success key photo

Last time we shared the three major types of networking environments that everyone needs for career and business boost. Now the question is,

What are the most effective ways in networking and how to build up meaningful connections?

We’d share 6 tested tips for you to practice and see the results right away:

* Be Authentic: be true of who you are, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. You will gain trust and connection soon.

* Be Positive: always bring positive energy on the table. You will be attractive to others.

* Give Values: give valuable information and resources that are helpful to others. You will be a great source.

* Support and Help: show interest and support to others’ specific professions and businesses, provide help where you can. You will become a close friend and the one to go to in challenging situations.

* Receive: feel comfortable to receive help and support from others to you, every one needs help, receive it with full appreciation. You will be welcomed as a fellow and pal.

* Be Consistent and Reliable: not just show up then disappear, be there for others like all the time. You will earn trust and true friendships for long time.

These are great habits in networking and building up meaningful relationships. Once you can learn to build up these habits, you will naturally attract the best people around you who are meant to help you to excel.

Are you satisfied with your current networking environment? What’s your biggest challenge? We’d love to hear your comment and we are here to help you. Please share with other people who can benefit from our resources as well.

Hang on there, we’ll have more to inspire you in creating a greater environment with long term support for your success.  For more inspirational information about how to be happy and successful, you are welcome to join our energetic community: please subscribe to this blog, sign up at our website, join our LinkedIn Group Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness, and Like our Facebook fan page Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action. We are here for your happiness and success!

International Mastermind Group’s 1st Anniversary Celebration

September 5, 2012

Dear All:
We are celebrating our International Mastermind Group’s First Anniversary!

Till today we have had in total 15 Empowerment Group Meetings, and 2 Learning and Practice Sessions! I can’t believe that we have made it for a whole year! I’m visioning that together we can make it a lifetime mastermind and a continuous inspiring and empowering source. You are welcome to join us and become a part of its exciting growth!

We welcome all passionate professionals especially those who would explore their dreams and do what they love strategically for a more fulfilled and happier life. Entrepreneurs and business owners can benefit the most from our inspiring and empowering group meetings, interactions and practices.

We are having our next empowerment group meeting on September 19th, Wednesday, 11AM – 12PM USA Eastern Time. We use Skype, so we can actually SEE and TALK WITH each other and it feels great!

You can view this group’s profile as a subgroup of “Spring Magic Life Society” on LinkedIn, or visit it here:

Let’s introduce this International Mastermind Group to your trusted relatives, friends, colleagues or customers. Let’s spread the words of a Mastermind Spirit with Big Welcome!

Please feel free to ask me if you may have any question or interest.

Thanks and wish you all a great week!

Love and blessings,


8 Strategies to Take Over Holiday Stress with Balance and Happiness

December 5, 2011


Holidays are magical creations of human beings. They were created for many positive meanings: celebration, love, family, joy, appreciation, new start, and fun……


While starting in November, many people have started to feel and talk about holiday stress. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holidays; kids school’s winter recess, family vacation; family gatherings, friends parties, gifts for different generations with different interests; and above all, not just normal load of work, but increased tasks, higher targets, more customers requirements, planning for next year……Even just thinking about all of these, many people could feel overwhelmed, and our tiredness and nervousness could accumulate day by day closing to the holidays……


One of my mastermind group members shared her feelings and asked the question to the group, what are your strategies to deal with holiday stress? She has some good strategies but still feel the stress. This member is the most experienced of the group and one of the wise people I have ever known. If she felt it a challenge and questioned it, there should be many other people who are facing similar challenges or even struggling during the holiday season.


Is work-life balance or even happiness possible during such a holiday-stressful season?


I shared some strategies during my mastermind group meeting, and I feel the needs to help more people by formally addressing this common challenge and introducing practical strategies that are effective and proven by many resources, including tested and practiced by myself. These following 8 strategies are not just for holidays, but great strategies for any time and any challenges.


1. Love Yourself More: Make sure that every day you find some time for exercise, stretch, meditate or pray, use deep breathing, and reinforce the right understanding and application of the Law of Attraction. Eating healthily and getting enough rest are important factors as well. Learn to appreciate yourself more and not feel guilty for not being perfect for every situation. Reward yourself some retreats time from time to keep yourself energetic and feeling being loved.


2. Build Stronger Family Bonding: Have open communications with your family about your and their expectations for the holidays. Plan and schedule affordable vacation or family fun activities together. Holidays are great opportunities to forgive any unpleasant things, appreciate, express love and reunite with family members. Fun activities will also bring more quality family time and help strengthen the family bond.


3. Get Quality Help: Find a safe and trusted person or group to share your feelings with and get insightful mental and spiritual support. You may turn to your best friends, but many times in dealing with holiday stress they may share similar stress and may pour their challenges or problems to you which will not help you any. So it will be beneficial to you if you share feelings with a professional coach or mentor, or a mastermind group in which you are a regular member.


4. Achieve Disciplined Results: Holidays are times when people may lose track of diligent work and ignore targets set before. Without disciplined and strategic planning and work, you may simply enjoy holidays but regret later that you did not accomplish what you really wanted. So keep a conscious mind and plan strategically ahead. Review and set up realistic targets and have proper expectation. Pay more attention to your time allocation to work and life, plan early enough on holiday preparation, vacation and gatherings. Post your targets and schedules at more obvious places to remind yourself. When you can discipline yourself to make progress in work and achieve certain targets while you are celebrating for holidays, you will feel more balanced and fulfilled to enjoy the holiday season.


5. Use Assistance: Prepare backup resources, like hire a nanny to help house chores, ask for proper help from relatives or neighbors for kids care, ask for ideas and resources that friends or other parents use, and get colleagues or partners to help in work. Give others a hand whenever you can, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.


6. Understand What is Really Important: Some people may feel holiday gatherings and parties are like a waste of time compared with working and making money. So they are struggling in the feelings that they want to work to make money and they also want to please people. They could not feel joy in gatherings and parties. Many people especially entrepreneurs focus only on developing their products and services and ignore that people are actually more important than products and are their real targets to serve. Enjoy the time you spend with others. Connect with them and really understand them and their needs. Eventually your understanding of people and connection with them will make a difference of your work and business development. This does not mean you need go to every gathering and party. Evaluate them based on relationships, importance and your energy level, and select those that you will really enjoy to go.


7. Appreciate and Give: holidays are great opportunities to remind yourself and strengthen your attitude of appreciation. Make a list of everything that you are grateful and add to it every day. It does not have to be big, just meaningful, like finding the beauty of nature and our surroundings, keeping curiosity like a child, being creative, connecting authentically with other people…be thankful for every blessing of life! The best way of appreciation is to give. Not only tangible materials are good to give and donate to people in need, intangible giving is great contribution to the world as well, like your genuine smile, insightful sharing, generous recommendation and support.


8. Gifts for Meanings and Fun: Gifts are for expressing love and appreciation. Many people feel stressful about buying gifts — the costs that will not bring much financial burden, and the right choices so the gifts can please the gifts receivers. Since this year you can shift your focus more on meaning and fun instead of cost. The best gift ever that everyone treasures is: Time. So plan ahead proper time to share with your family, friends and people you appreciate. When tangible gifts are needed, go to local budget shopping centers that concentrate diverse gifts or stay home and shop on internet, which will save much time and money. Don’t worry about how much could make a gift a good one, instead, buy inexpensive and applicable gifts and add meanings and fun to them with your creativity. You can make your own cards and write more authentic thoughts and blessings assuming yourself a writer or poet, or paint something special with your imaginary to make a masterpiece. Better yet, let people get chance to take actions by themselves for fun, such as cooking books with colorful pictures and recipes adding your own favorite recipes, assembling toys that can result elegant decorations for home, or something that they can turn into another form with some creative work…… And instead of exchanging and comparing gifts for kids between friends’ families, you can suggest to change the game rules, for example, every family plays a role like Secret Santa for another family’s kids, or contributes equally to a shared gifts budget and each year let one family be in charge of shopping on behalf of all other families. There could be unlimited ways to make gifts shopping and giving more meaningful and fun activities. Don’t forget to ask your partner and/or children what ideas they have, as this can be a fun brainstorming!


Thanksgiving just passed, Christmas is coming, and New Year……I hope with above strategies, you are now more prepared, confident and excited for holidays, and will fully enjoy these wonderful holidays with your beloved ones in abundant love, wisdom and happiness!



Finding a Way or an Excuse?

October 20, 2011

Dear friend, life is short.  Are you doing what you love?

If not, why?

If yes, how do you know if your current passion is right your call and your blessing?

Are you keeping exploring or thinking about give-up because of tough challenges and difficulties?

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” ~ Jim Rohn

If you really want to live a happy life, you will find doing what you love successfully is a critical part of your happiness;

If you really want to do what you love successfully, you will find clarifying your passion in your call, strengthening your mindset and applying smart strategies the priorities;

If you really want to clarify your passion in your call, you will find knowing yourself the first step to understand your gifts and talents, your happiest expression and your greatest values to the world;

If you really want to strengthen your mindset, you will find learning from enlightening resources and keeping self-development with professional support an express way toward revealing your inner wisdom and powers;

If you really want to apply smart strategies, you will find due diligence research, on-going practice and learning through self and others’ failures and successes a must exercise;

If you really want to…, you will find a way. Even if you just start from scratch, that’s the thing you can be certain about.

Are you finding a way, or an excuse?

Let’s face it and find the way, for your blessed life in happiness!