Posts Tagged ‘finance’

Wealth Wednesday Thinking and Action!

May 26, 2021

Dear friends, it’s our Wealth Wednesday! 😍🤩

How much do you desire to have your wealth and freedom?

How much do you want to impact the world with greater influence?

Let’s activate our Wealth Wednesday thinking action!

Some of you may have read this great book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, written in 1937, which has deeply impacted countless people, and helped many to explore beyond their original imagination and eventually create their success.

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

Just a few examples from its sea of jewels that inspire and empower minds!

It’s a book worthy of reading for many times! If you have not read it before, feel free to get it today from my Amazon link:

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I’d love to hear your thoughts and inspirations from it. Most importantly, your practice and progress based on its inspirations!

Let’s create the life we desire, and the wealth we could use to make greater changes and impact in the world!

To Your Abundant Happiness and Success!

Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundance Thought Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Thought Leaders to Attract More Dream Clients and Make Greater Impact!

*#1 Amazon Best Selling Author of “Abundance Train”

*Award-Winning Transformational Speaker (Featured at Nasdaq, Harvard Clubs, medias)

*Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.


Spring Link Tree:

Spring’s Motto: Love conquers all. Live in love, faith, passion and abundance!

Plan Now for Your Financial Freedom!

May 13, 2021

Dear friend,

Are you ready to Open the Door to Your Financial Freedom Today?!

To learn and plan for your 5 Financial Dreams,

To imagine and reflect your lifestyle and impact with financial freedom, 

To evaluate your financial stages and commitment,

To learn financial knowledge, how money works, great money growth solutions, and even more wonderful opportunities… 

==>> Time to Plan for Your Financial and Wealth Freedom!🥰🙏

I’m so happy to invite my good friend and financial expert Mr. James Qi to teach our entrepreneurs how to better Manage Money and Plan for Your Financial Future! 🤩

We are hosting this Zoom Live workshop on this Friday May 14th at 6PM Eastern Time.

Reserve your spot to this Zoom Training Now for FREE!

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You would definitely not want to miss it! As it may really open a door to your ultimate freedom and fulfillment which you have never imaged before! 🥳

Register Now! Book on your calendar and Show up on time if you are committed to your financial future. See you on Zoom soon!😍🔥        

To Your Abundant Happiness and Success!

Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundance Thought Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Thought Leaders to Attract More Dream Clients and Make Greater Impact!

*#1 Amazon Best Selling Author of “Abundance Train”

*Award-Winning Transformational Speaker (Featured at Nasdaq, Harvard Clubs, medias)

*Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.


Spring Link Tree:

Spring’s Motto: Love conquers all. Live in love, faith, passion and abundance!

Social Distance vs. Social Connections

March 25, 2020

4. Social connections

Dear frind,

During this Coronavirus threatening and lock-down time, please remember to keep your Social Distance, but don’t forget to Deepen your Social Connections!:)

Things you could do and enjoy staying at home to contribute your part, actually for your best benefits and growth:

1. Follow your favorite role models on their social media profiles or invest in their online programs, study more from them

2. Read those important self development books you’ve forgotten on the shelf for quite a while

3. Deepen your connections through more meaningful conversations over phone or online

4. Improve your branding and content as an expert and leader in your niche

5. Plan your innovations and strategies how to have better business online that will not be impacted by any such crisis

6. Host your online event to share your expertise and inspirations

7. Learn more financial knowledge from experts and plan with professional help to protect your wealth and grow it for long run

8. Build up healthier lifestyle, sleep enough time (I still need 8 hours, how about you?:), and do more meditation, appreciation, and exercises

9. Improve your cooking skills and create new dishes

10. Clean up and organize home and your home office

11. Do some gardening inside home, or on the balcony or in the backyard if you have one, to better welcome the Spring season

12. If you are a parent, help your kids plan and accomplish some creative projects

13. Sing and dance more in your free style

14. Jump rope at least 100 times every day and explore different ways

15. Watch your favorite movies on demand

16. Share more interesting and meaningful stories and healthy jokes:)

17. ……

What are your favorite ways now staying most time at home? Help us extend the list. Let’s share and inspire!:)

Stay positive, healthy, and strong!

To Your Abundant Happiness and Success…

Love and blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundance Thought Leadership Coach

* #1 Amazon Best Selling Author of “Abundance Train”

* Award-Winning Inspirational Speaker, featured on Nasdaq, Harvard Club of Boston and multiple medias

* Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs to Stand Out as Confident Experts & Thought Leaders with their Unique Gifts to Impact More Lives!

* Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.


Facebook Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

Facebook Fan Page: Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action

LinkedIn Group: Abundant Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance

Instagram: @SpringZhengAbundance

Twitter: @SpringMagicLife

Inspirations / Blog:

YouTube Channel:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……

{Spring Link Tree:}

Launching “Abundant Moms” Coaching Meetup Group

November 4, 2014

“Abundant Moms” Coaching Meetup Group

abundant flowers

You are what you think of yourself to be and what you immerse yourself in!

If you want to build up balance out of your daily busy schedules, and reveal and live on your purpose, passions and gifts……

If you want to do what you love, fulfill yourself and create financial success……

If you want to live everyday to its fullness with love, wisdom and happiness……

If you want to be the role model and impact your children positively and teach them how to be the owners and creators of their own lives……

If you want to create abundance for your loved ones and change your family’s legacy forever……

If you want to connect with other passionate moms to make all the above abundance happen right away……

Come to join us!

This coaching meetup group is for Visionary Moms, who dare to dream of living in abundant love, wisdom, happiness and success, who commit to realizing their dreams and passions with strategic actions, and who dedicate to changing their family’s future by teaching their children to be responsible and money-smart and create their own life abundance too!

Every month 4 weekly meet up coaching workshops:
1. Purpose, Passions, Gifts and Abundance
2. Goals, Strategies, Planning and Prioritization
3. Success Habits, Actions, and Measurable Results
4. Teach Your Children to be Responsible, Money-Smart, and Abundant

Mastermind and group brainstorming will be facilitated, many prestigious tools will be taught and practiced, like the Holistic Life Model, the Law of Attraction, Abundance Model, Passion Test, Multiple Energy Applications, Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment and Reading, etc. so expect to be highly inspired and empowered through every session!

For more details and surprising special offers available within limited time, please visit our website:

Abundant Moms Coaching Meetup Group