What Networking and Relationships Can Boost Your Success – Part 2 of 3

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Last time we shared the three major types of networking environments that everyone needs for career and business boost. Now the question is,

What are the most effective ways in networking and how to build up meaningful connections?

We’d share 6 tested tips for you to practice and see the results right away:

* Be Authentic: be true of who you are, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. You will gain trust and connection soon.

* Be Positive: always bring positive energy on the table. You will be attractive to others.

* Give Values: give valuable information and resources that are helpful to others. You will be a great source.

* Support and Help: show interest and support to others’ specific professions and businesses, provide help where you can. You will become a close friend and the one to go to in challenging situations.

* Receive: feel comfortable to receive help and support from others to you, every one needs help, receive it with full appreciation. You will be welcomed as a fellow and pal.

* Be Consistent and Reliable: not just show up then disappear, be there for others like all the time. You will earn trust and true friendships for long time.

These are great habits in networking and building up meaningful relationships. Once you can learn to build up these habits, you will naturally attract the best people around you who are meant to help you to excel.

Are you satisfied with your current networking environment? What’s your biggest challenge? We’d love to hear your comment and we are here to help you. Please share with other people who can benefit from our resources as well.

Hang on there, we’ll have more to inspire you in creating a greater environment with long term support for your success.  For more inspirational information about how to be happy and successful, you are welcome to join our energetic community: please subscribe to this blog, sign up at our website http://springmagiclife.com, join our LinkedIn Group Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness, and Like our Facebook fan page Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action. We are here for your happiness and success!

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