Posts Tagged ‘Family’

Vacation with Passion, Inspiration, and Resolution

July 18, 2015

Flight photo

I am packing for my over one and half months summer vacation. My kids have been excited for our upcoming international travels to China’s main cities where we will gather with relatives and friends and also visit local famous resorts.

One of my clients greeted to me with this saying: “I hope your vacation is wonderful and brings you peace and joy.  I do miss our sessions……I really benefit and look forward to the challenges and stretching that comes from your sessions. I am ready for more breakthroughs…….”

Aha, how could I leave my great clients wandering this summer missing me and our sessions? My passion joyfully called up my inspiration. I told my clients, you get what you wished!

I shared first with him my passions during my summer vacation.

Yes, I love traveling and gathering with family and friends, which satisfy my top passions on love, family and healthy lifestyle. Coaching is my great passion for career. Reading is my another passion. This summer I would continue to fulfill these passions.

I further shared with this client my 3 specific targets on my coaching passion for my summer vacation. As it’s my passion, I do not feel it like work at all! These three targets include:
1. I would keep networking and adding certain number of members to my LinkedIn groups, and keep providing valuable resources and information to my groups..
2. I would finish my ebook on how to discover and fulfill passions and dreams.
3. I would read 3 new books, covering different aspects of life, from passion to business to health and beauty.

Then I challenged my client to set up his targets for this summer. Not many, just focus on the top 3. I also encouraged him to share his targets with me and update me every week, so i could help hold him accountable, on the track and stretched.

This will help the client to be motivated and have a meaningful summer, at the same time to see progress on the way, which will prepare him to be more ready for bigger breakthroughs after the summer when we resume our regular coaching schedules. As coach and coachee, we both get what we value the most, including our summer vacation, family time and continued passion and progress!

What are your passions? What may be your specific targets for this summer even if you may be taking vacation? Actually, I would encourage you to take a good vacation, you deserve it every year! Spend time with your loved ones, relax and refresh yourself, get new energy and inspirations, at the same time, keep your passions ignited and working for your best.

If you need a trustful and professional resource to hold you accountable, encouraged, supported, cheered up, stretched, inspired, empowered, during and beyond the summer, I would be more than happy to hear about your passions, thoughts and ideas.

How to connect with me and our passion communities for more great free resources? There are only two steps:

  1. Sign Up at our website to receive free e-Newsletters on how to discover and fulfill Passions, Dreams and Prosperity.
  2. Choose the Social Media that you love to connect with our community:
      1. Join our LinkedIn Group “Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness Success”, and invite me to connect directly on LinkedIn.
      2. Like our Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action”.
      3. Subscribe to this Blog:
      4. Follow us on Twitter @SpringMagicLife.

Connect with me and join our uplifting communities, share your challenges, growth and celebrations, and connect with other purposeful and passionate people. We are here for you to create your new momentum and abundant life every day!

A Transcending Holiday Season, Hell or Heaven

December 24, 2013

Hell or Heaven picture

Dear All:

Everyone is preparing for the big holidays by the end of year. The air seems smiling. We smell all the sweetness and fragrance in colors. It’s time to celebrate.

To be honest with you, my heart is heavy. My smile is not with full joy. Am I really smiling recently? Now is my toughest time and 2014 is going to be the toughest year. My marriage and family is enduring the biggest challenge, and the test is beyond my wild imagination. I’ve been devoting myself to my love and family, now I need more than ever that my another half can devote loyalty and love to me and our family as well. We need the bond of faith, a faith beyond all the worldly odds. All the hurts make me feel the inside weakness, and I’m also looking for the transcendence to the strongest. I’m now in the middle, up and down. I am still enduring the deep fire, before the phoenix could be transformed and reborn. I’m experiencing big changes in my marriage, work and physical environment. In 2014, I must make breakthroughs in these three areas. I’m learning to face these big challenges, while my strength is not fully there yet. I need learn, grow and move forward step by step everyday, no matter what, collecting my strength back piece by piece. I ever wanted to quit in desperation. But my fate and faith make me not be able to stop. I can’t give up, my love, my passion and my faith. It’s a life or death issue, and hell or heaven.

I’m sharing this with you because you are my community, my living environment, and my friends. I want to be true to you and hope we can hold each other accountable. We all have different challenges through lives. We need more support to each other. I want to be more reliable and valuable to you by bringing out my best gifts and passion to serve you. I also want your support to help me go through this life test. I need and appreciate your prayers, to my growth, my breakthroughs, my marriage and my family.

Now it’s the time, more than ever, that we need be conscious to live on purpose and faith. Now it’s the time, more than ever, that we need pursue our passions no matter what to fulfill our abundance. Now it’s the time, more than ever, that we need love, wisdom and happiness to live a worthwhile life and a no-regret life.

Let’s hold our hearts together. Let’s hold our faith together. Let’s pray for each other. Let’s support each other to fulfill our individual abundance in the ONE, the biggest abundance.

Let’s develop a good habit of daily affirmation and infuse love, positivity and confidence into our selves, and our daily life. Let’s observe the changes of us and our environment, so we can testify how the intelligent universe is working with us.

Let me share with you my starting affirmation and we will go on from here. You can connect with me on LinkedIn and like my Facebook Fan Page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action” to get upcoming affirmation update.

“God loves me, and people love me. My best resource is always ME.”

Thank you all for joining us and being there through the years! Wish you all a transforming and transcending holiday season!

With Abundant Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Who Can Save Your Relationship?

August 25, 2012

Everyday we are dealing with many tasks and challenges, from work and life. Do you know what is most energy boosting and what is most energy consuming? How can we save our day and enjoy a healthier and happier life?

Brian Tracy said, eighty percent of life’s satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships.

One dear member from my LinkedIn group “Spring Magic Life Society” shared a beautiful romantic story but it has a sad end. It described how a couple who started with strong attraction as soul mates ended up becoming strangers after years of marriage. They were blocking their feelings and sharing from each other after they returned to their respective self-centered patterns and lifestyles. The story called for continuous care and work to gain long lasting relationship.

It’s a great story with great meanings. It’s so true and common for many couples. Most people know that marriage and love need continuous care and work, why did many still fail? Because it’s difficult to apply every day, especially when there’s problem popped up like in the story. The woman looking for resuming the emotional connection tried hard and wanted to get the man’s attention and understanding but finally gave up. Both the man and the woman withdrew into their own cocoon and blocked themselves from opening and giving to each other.

Most men are not emotional nor like to express theirs. Most women are emotional and thirsty for listening, understanding and soul mating. Men and women are born totally different and will always be like this. Most time, it’s from women’s side to find the crisis of relationship and think themselves as the victims. The only way to make up this born or created “gap”, (I understand this as part of women’s privilege and purpose), is for women to learn more of the ART of LOVE, and hold on in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Women are not meant or expected to change men, but with their magic power of femininity and love, men do change! They will learn to understand what women need and want, even though they will never be “perfectly” inside, it needs women’s endless faith and efforts. Eventually both women and men will learn the art of love and maintain a more balanced intimate relationship.

It’s not just that men need understand women, women need also understand men, their differences, their need of personal space, and most of all, their need of women’s love, care, respect and appraisal. Men need women, like women need men, just from different emphases. When we focus on the other and “feed” our lover’s needs, they will look for ours. Love always wins.

Most important of all, women who find themselves in the crisis of relationship need learn to enjoy themselves and not rely their happiness on men or any others. Only happy women can attract men and keep attracting them. It’s true for any lasting relationship including for family and friends. Happiness is the best beauty and love is the best virtue a woman can have.

It’ll be a lifelong benefit for women to learn how to think and meditate so they can be aware and adjust their moods, perspectives and expectation; learn how to apply the law of attraction, the law of love and related skills like visualization, praying and affirmation to manifest their desires and dreams; learn how to use constructive ways of communication to generate positive feedback instead of the reverse……there is much wisdom, art and practice involved in creating lasting and happy relationships.

Only when we learn the lessons that we are created to learn, and keep our ongoing efforts in the wisdom and art of love, can unconditional love thrive and last, and can marriage and family live happily ever after. So dear ladies, please stop looking for men to save you, wake up and take the full responsibility, and become the “saver” and “loving spirit” of your marriage, family and any great relationship you are looking for!

If you may need professional help in creating your happy relationships, please feel free to contact me. You will be guided and empowered to reveal your unlimited wisdom, beauty and power, to create the wonderful relationships you have been dreaming for and deserve!

3900 Saturdays, 1000 Marbles & Happy Life Bank

March 9, 2011

Today I learned this lovely story online and would share with you all first. It’s called “3900 Saturdays”, or you could call it “1000 Marbles”.


The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday morning. Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable.

A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the garage with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time. Let me tell you about it:

I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along the way, I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and a golden voice. You know the kind; he sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business. He was telling whomever he was talking with something about “a thousand marbles.” I was intrigued and stopped to listen to what he had to say.

“Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you’re busy with your job. I’m sure they pay you well but it’s a shame you have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. It’s too bad you missed your daughter’s dance recital,” he continued; “Let me tell you something that has helped me keep my own priorities.” And that’s when he began to explain his theory of a “thousand marbles.”

“You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years.

Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3,900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now, stick with me, Tom, I’m getting to the important part.

It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail,” he went on, “and by that time I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1,000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container right here in the shack next to my gear.

Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life.

There’s nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight.

Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time.

It was nice to meet you Tom. I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again here on the band. This is a 75 year old man, K9NZQ, clear and going QRT, good morning!”

You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a few hams to work on the next club newsletter.

Instead, I went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. “C’mon honey, I’m taking you and the kids to breakfast.”

“What brought this on?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh, nothing special, it’s just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with the kids. And hey, can we stop at a toy store while we’re out? I need to buy some marbles.”


I hope you have enjoyed this story as I did!

After reading it, I started to count my left days and weekends. That’s about 13,595 days including 1934 weekends. It may not be easy to buy and store that many marbles. I decided to use a different way to record, and I would like to reward myself and create extra values instead of throwing away the time marks representing my life.

For every day that I could live happily and worthily, that I could feel true happiness and create values to others, including my family and other people, I would reward myself with one Happy Dollar, and save at my Happy Life Bank. I would record my happy dollars on my Happy Life Bank’s saving account, which you could use either a notebook or an annual desktop calendar to book. At the end of my life, I would give my Happy Life Bank’s savings to my children, to inspire a continuing Happiness project that could help many others.

Today, I have rewarded myself the first Happy Dollar!:)

Love In Action 2011 Day 37: The Right Person, The Soul Mate

February 7, 2011

How often may you think that you want to find your right person and soul mate? How often may you wonder if your current lover, partner or spouse is your right person and soul mate?

It may not be easy to see if a partner is the right soul mate or not. But it seems relatively easier to see if a partner is not the right person now. To see if the person is showing the following “Right Person/Soul Mate” signals:  

The right person is an unconditional lover, who would love you, respect you and care you, beyond their own ego.

The right person is a faithful lover, who would fully accept you and appreciate you as who you are and always hold faith in you.

The right person is a happy lover, who is the endless fountain of love, wisdom and happiness for oneself, which overflows to you and benefits many others.

The right person is a passionate lover, whose passion would cheer you up and keep you melt in the heat of love.

The right person is a romantic lover, who would create romantic time with you regularly and make you never feel bored.

The right person is a big dreamer like you, who would share and pursue the big dreams with you and connect with you in spirit.

The right person is like inside of you, who would listen to you, understand you, and have deep empathy of you.

The right person is a positive creator, who would create wonderful life with you and can’t wait to share more joy with you.

The right person is a loyal friend, who would be there for you all the time no matter if you are up or down.

The right person is like the blue sky, who would forgive you quickly when you make mistakes and would still make you graceful.

The right person has a humble spirit, who would say sorry to you sincerely if they make mistakes and has the emotional IQ and understanding of how much you are hurt.

The right person is like a crystal, who understands the critical value of trust and would be fully honest to you and never lie to you.

The right person is like our challenger, who gets us out of our comfortable zone, and challenges us to find our weaknesses and keep growing to be the best of our own.

The right person is like a personal mentor, who would share valuable things and different perspectives with you and foster your growth together.

The right person with you are like earth and water in the universe, who could make wonderful love with you and make you fully satisfied and appreciated with your both body, mind and soul.

The right person with you are like the sun and the moon, who would chase you and dedicate to the marriage and family built with you, and be a loving parent to your children all the time.

The right person is like our other half, who comes back to complement us, and completes us in the fulfillment of our life.

The right person to you is like a magnet to metal, with whom you would look forward to living a longer life to enjoy the great soul mating, a second life, a third life, and an eternal life ……

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 37 is:

  • Are above definitions of the Right Person / Soul Mate ideal or possible?
  • Is your current lover, partner or spouse such a Right Person and Soul Mate to you?
  • Are you such a Right Person / Soul Mate to your potential or existing lover, partner or spouse?
  • Reflect these definitions of the Right Person / Soul Mate, describe the Right Person / Soul Mate in details that you really want, no matter if you are single, partnered or married.
  • Use the Law of Attraction and the Law of Love to make your wish come true. Can our current partner become such a Right Person / Soul Mate even though they may not be right now? Let the Law of Love tell you the truth.
  • What would you do to become such a Right Person / Soul Mate to your most loved one?

Love In Action 2011 Day 17: Loyal Partner

January 17, 2011

When one partner gets sick, the biggest challenge and test is on the other partner. During my illness, my husband showed unusual patience and affection. He took care of both two kids and me, did not complain one word even when he was very tired too. Last night I could not sleep well and woke up for a few times, he gently held me hand for consolation. When I said my back was painful, he gave me a back massage when he was still sleeping.

Before my sickness, we had some unpleasant communication and I complained his lack of time and engagement in staying with kids and me. When I got sick, he showed us that he is fully responsible and also affectionate. The harmony and peace of family has returned, like the oil for my lamp. I’m so appreciated for what my husband has done for us during my tough time. I’m recovering quickly. His loyalty and affection has been the best medicine.

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 17 is simple, to reflect:

  • What kind of partner you want to be when your partner may get sick or meet other tough challenges?