Posts Tagged ‘Respect’

Love In Action 2011 Day 45: Valentine’s Party

February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day is here! Even though we may remind ourselves to cherish love every day, today is the most special, as almost the whole world is celebrating for this day once a year! If we take love as a special energy, what an enormous energy is sent out from everywhere of the globe today!

So many lovely Valentine’s Day cards are sent out, so many fresh Valentine’s Day flowers are delivered, and so many creative Valentine’s Day gifts are wrapped and sent out. And our valentines are expanding: from our lover, our partner, our spouse, our parents, our sisters and brothers, to our relatives, our friends, our colleagues, our business partners, our clients, our kids’ teachers, our doctors, our nannies, our neighbors……statistics said that anyone in the world could be within our 6th degree contacts. Today, love reaches everyone and the whole world is closely connected!

If you have not danced with someone special, you should today.

If you have not hugged and kissed someone special, you should today.

If you have not said “I love you” to someone special, you should today.

If you have not celebrated with someone special, you should today.

Valentine’s Day is the formal and public call for your Love in Action! And today people are taking actions together!

Today my interest is not just in a wish, not just in a gift, and not just in a kiss, I look forward to a party, and a lifelong party ritual, starting with my small family and closed people this year.

I got this vision of the Valentine’s Party, that all my valentines will be invited to this party, from all over the world. This party will not just happen on the once-a-year Valentine’s Day, it may happen a few times a year when there are more valentines. This party will be held at a place with a big beautiful garden which is open to all my valentines. The main theme of the party will be “Love, Give, Connect, Celebrate and Fun!”

We will have a big feast with all different cultural foods, flowers, music, dance, performances…… everyone will bring a Valentine’s gift/card for another person, and also receive a Valentine’s gift/card from their “secret” valentine. We will share love stories, love insights, and love victories. We will play love games and entertainments. We will donate to make at least one good and loving deed happen in this world. This party is full of trust, respect, affection, and connection. People will get to know each other more through close connections, and the party will be felt like a family party and everyone is a family member. So everyone will feel open, relaxed, free, enjoying, intimate, loved and happy! The connection and joy of the party will last for a long time till our next celebration!

For those who could not make physical attendance to the party, my LinkedIn group “Spring Magic Life Society” and Facebook fan page “Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action” will hold the online party to share endless spiritual foods, create special connections and celebrate together!

Happy Valentine’s Day you all!!!

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 45 is:

  • Do you like this vision of the Valentine’s Party? Would you like to be invited?
  • What love story, love insights, and love victory would you like to share?
  • What love games and entertainments would you like to play?
  • What thing about love would you like to celebrate the most for?
  • What good and loving deed would you like to make it happen by the efforts of you and others?

Love In Action 2011 Day 44: Endorsement

February 13, 2011

I have been on LinkedIn for over one year. It’s a professional social networking platform with over 90 million people now. We used to think the world is too big to reach, while on LinkedIn the world is much smaller and closely connected.  

Our profiles on social media are just like our faces. We have creative minds, loving hearts, and pure spirits that deserve more exploration and sharing. Only when we share our own minds, hearts and souls sincerely, could we get into people’s minds, hearts and souls, and understand and connect with each other beyond the faces. I’ve been connecting with people and looking forward to knowing more of them, the true spirits behind their faces……

A few days ago, for the first time, I sent a message to my close contacts on LinkedIn asking them “can you endorse me?”  Those contacts were built up through email communications and group discussions on LinkedIn for at least a few months, especially through my own group “Spring Magic Life Society”. We engaged in quite some interesting and meaningful topics. Even though I had held a positive attitude to have it a trial, I was surprised and deeply touched by their timely and heartily responses and endorsements. The appreciation feeling in my heart has been over any words to describe.

A few months ago, when I was still new on LinkedIn, with countless “professional” communications on it, I doubted how many people I could connect and how many genuine hearts and spirits I could see and touch. And I concerned that social media would occupy me too much valuable time while generate little results. Now I know, wherever the faces are, the spirits are, and the true connection could be possible.

Endorsement from others is a great way to see our values, to know the depth of connection with others, and to be encouraged to generate more values. Most time, seeing through other people’s diverse perspectives, we may get to know ourselves better and more comprehensively.

Endorsement is a public praise, and a great evidence for us to strengthen our confidence and feeling of value to others.

Endorsement is a connection generated by giving, mutual selfless giving, and built on values, and true meanings to each other.

When the world is connected by mutual trust, respect and endorsement, our professional world and personal world will be much easier and more efficient.

Endorsement is more precious than money, as it shows that there are other hearts and spirits in the universe connected with you on values, trust, respect, support and love. That’s the best treasure we could earn from serving others.

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 44 is:

  • Have you endorsed anyone based on their true values?
  • Have you been endorsed by others based on your true values?
  • How would you connect with others behind the faces?
  • What top values of you would you like to be endorsed by others?
  • How would you create those important values?
  • Is creating those values in your active life purpose?
  • How would you live on your purpose every day?

Love In Action 2011 Day 26: Love Believes No Lie

January 26, 2011

Did your loved ones ever lie to you? Did you ever lie to your loved ones? Why people sometimes chose lie instead of telling truth? What are they feared of by telling truth in certain situations? Can love and lie live together?

Human beings are never perfect. Can we expect imperfect man to keep perfect honesty and give unconditional love? Can we claim such excuse for lie? We know majority people will fail such expectation. But through history, there were some great people who did it, by living on full honesty and giving unconditional love to all. Can we expect our loved ones to be such great spirits?

My husband lied to me last night, again. He said he would work late for some extra assignment from the court. But I found out that he was actually playing Majiang with friends, which is his favorite game. He seldom played it at workday nights. We quarreled before for his playing late on weekend nights. And recently he did not get chance to play it on weekends. So playing on a workday night and claiming to work late seemed a convenient excuse. I knew he might want to avoid any unpleasant response from me due to our history experience on this issue. Lying seemed an easier solution to any possible conflict. He did not know that lying is right the cause to real issue, or the effect of real problem.

You could not imagine how disappointed I was when I found the reality, once again. A few years ago, I might get very angry and heartbroken, and we might quarrel and fight. After years of self development in the field of love and wisdom, now I have only peace and pity. I have forgiven him without his apology or request. But my love towards him was deeply hurt. Love believes no lie, no matter for what excuse. My pity was he could have improved his respect and communication skills in this lasting issue through years. If one would not learn the lesson and grow, no one else could help.  

Is this the end of our loving relationship? I don’t know yet. Thinking about all the years I have been exploring and pursuing true love, I have never given up. I first fell into love to him about 17 years ago. Through over 10 years of struggling and suffering in love, I finally gathered with him and married him. With endless exploration and growing, now I have found the unconditional love power within myself and I am blessed to live in peace and happiness most time.

Will I be happy living by my own unconditional love without sharing it with an intimate partner? I know the answer will be no. That’s why I think Marci Shimoff’s new book “Love For No Reason” is still not the full truth yet. One could create and live a life of unconditional love, but one could not experience the full meaning of happiness without sharing and growing life in a romantic love. I experienced it and knew how magic and supreme happy it could be! It’s the love beyond our imagination! If you have both the unconditional love and romantic love, you will be the God or Goddess on the earth.

So with my unconditional love, I still want the romantic love and want it more. Could I find it back with my current husband? Or it’s gone and the hope may be somewhere else? I don’t know yet. I have to keep exploring and learning, and waiting for the law of love to open the magic door for me again. I have the faith in love, no matter which way it may finally lead me. But one thing I know definitely, that love believes no lie.

My Love Recipe for 2011 Day 26 is:

  • Please remember that love believes no lie, or you will risk whatever you have for not believing it.
  • If you may ever try to use a convenient lie to avoid conflict, before you do it, think more about what is true love and how you could improve your communication skills to bring truth onto the table and also plant more love seeds with people especially your loved ones. Respect, trust and honesty, is the backbone of love.

P.S.  I found the lyrics for “Love The Way You Lie” by Rihanna feat, Eminem. I can’t help reading them and listening to the songs again and again……Can I love your lie?  It reminded me our crazy love when I loved your everything……