Posts Tagged ‘Conscious’

Abundance Meditation in the Sun

April 7, 2020

Personal growth and mastery

Are you doing medication every day? Especially during such uncertain and tough time, we need more meditation to relax, heal, focus and transform.

I normally do my daily meditations on my bed before I sleep at night and after I wake up in the morning.

Today after some work, I could not resist the sunlight outside of my home office and entered into the sun’s embrace:).

It’s 64 Fahrenheit in New York. Spring has come. Greens are sprouting out every where. It’s a pity that now people have to stay most time at home to keep the social distance and avoid virus spreading.

In other years, this is the most beautiful season to watch new lives coming out every where. Let’s hold the hope and belief that such beautiful freedom seasons will come back soon, for sure.

I grabbed a small bench that my kids use by their game table, put it in the center of my yard in the sun. I chose the direction of facing my back to the sun, sat down, crawled my legs, put my two palms inside up on my laps, adjusted my body to feel comfortable and relaxed, closed my eyes, I started my meditation.

My eyes are immediately seeing a grand red every where, like on Mars. I feel myself walking on Mars with a little surprise and more curiosity. It’s a giant planet to explore and there are mountains there too:).

My back is feeling the welcoming warmth then more heart, but not burning.

I heard the birds making sounds and singing, at least 3 or 4 unique sounds and singing styles, like they just wake up from a long sleep through the winter.

The breeze is still a little cool but tender, stirring some leaves dancing on the ground and making some gentle noises.

My opened palms on my laps are feel more warmth and greeting from the Sun, like two warm energy balls rolling and jumping on the palms, naughtily playing with the Sun.

My back is so heavenly massaged by the Sun’s heat, and my whole body in its light, the endless love from the universe. I feel so much loved and embraced by the universe as a natural part of it, no name, no role, no division, no distance, no fear, no lack, no need, just a harmonious part, a new born of the universe, with peace, joy and abundant love, a blessing to all… That’s a moment of eternality…

Maybe about 20 or 30 minutes, I opened my eyes, I saw my shadow in the Sun. I remembered my childhood playing in the Sun. I started to make shadow puppets with my hands, doves, reindeer, bear…

Wouldn’t you be a forever child of the Sun and the universe?!

After the meditation in the Sun, I felt abundant energy, clarity, freedom, invincible power, and happiness to get back to my passionate work!:)

Wish you will enjoy more meditation, with more consciousness, discovery, super charging and empowerment!

Feel free to ask me whenever you may want help to harness the abundance meditation!

Maybe next time we could do it together:). Let me know!

Have a wonderful day, every day, stay safe, healthy, strong, and unstoppable!

To Your Abundant Happiness and Success…

Love and Blessings,

Spring Zheng

Abundance Thought Leadership Coach

Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs to Stand Out as Confident Experts and Leaders with their Unique Gifts to Attract More Dream Clients and Make Greater Impact!

*#1 Amazon Best Selling Author of “Abundance Train”, get your FREE copy now when it’s still available.

*Award-Winning Transformational Speaker, featured at Nasdaq, Harvard Clubs and other medias.

*Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.


Spring Link Tree:

Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passion and abundance.

Mastermind Group Empowerment Meeting on March.26th: Conscious Creators

March 24, 2014

Mastermind conscious creators

Dear All:

Our International Mastermind Group’s third Empowerment Meeting of 2014 will be on March.26th, Wednesday, 11:00AM -12:00PM US EDT. Our theme for this meeting is: “Conscious Creators”. Please book your calendar for this event and confirm that you are joining us!

Are you feeling yourself a follower, a victim, a copier, or a creator?

Are you clear about what specifically you want to create?

What is your biggest challenge?

What is blocking you from solving that challenge?

Let’s gather together as a mastermind and reveal our inner magic powers!

This International Mastermind Group on Passion is currently FREE but only open to up to 10 passionate entrepreneur &/ executive members. We are now opening a few seats for purposeful and passionate entrepreneurs to apply. We use Skype video group conference.  If you are new to our mastermind group, please Contact Us to confirm if you’d attend this meeting so we can set up for you before the meeting. Register NOW before our group size reaches its upper limit. We’ll look forward to talking with you soon!

Wish you all a creative and empowered month!

To your abundant happiness and success,


Spring Zheng


Abundance & Thought Leadership Coach

Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.

“Do What You Love” Mastermind Groups Mentor

Email:; or

Skype Account: SpringMagicLife

P.S. To save your time and help you get the best results, we have used years to built up a premium international community for you with unlimited inspirational and empowering resources and uplifting energy:

Please subscribe to this Blog for inspiring articles, sign up at our website for empowering emails. We are on the most popular social media too! Welcome to join our LinkedIn Group Spring Magic Life Society – Love Wisdom Happiness, and “Like” our Facebook fan page Spring Magic Life Society: Love In Action.

We are here to serve you for your purposeful and abundant happiness and success!

Love In Action 2011 Day 56: Change Our Childhood Programming

February 25, 2011

The forth day topic of “2011 Tapping World Summit” was on Love and Relationships, which I definitely would not miss. So today I tuned into their online audio to listen to the interviews with EFT and Tapping experts.

The most resonating and impressive message I learned was about how our earlier memories and Childhood Negative Traits could subconsciously impact our grown-up love relationships.

The expert suggested us to select top three negative childhood memories with the challenging relationships with our parents, who showed angry patterns through facial expression, tone of voice, and body language. The expert mentioned that we could have subconscious attraction to similar people when we grown up. Our childhood experiences programmed into our subconscious and will keep impacting our life for long time unconsciously.

In my case, I am not sure if my husband is my parents type of person. But I found that I myself was copying some traits of my early childhood environment: including my parents, sibling, neighbors and many other people. This kind of trait had never showed up from me till I got married and had children. That means, when I built up my own family, the traits of my earlier family (with my parents and sibling) and my living environment subconsciously expressed through me.

When the kids were very naughty, and when I was under big time pressure, I found it challenging to keep calm and control my temper. I could become angry and yell at them. It’s a shame to admit this. Even though I normally could gain back my calmness soon and show my full love and patience to kids, I still felt very guilty after my temper outbreak. At the beginning I was surprised how I could become that way! The burst was like out of my control and spontaneous.

Later on I finally figured out and memorized my parents especially my father who showed big tempers and punished us often when I was little and naughty. After I got into elementary school and became disciplined and good at studying, my parents have not yelled at me nor punished me any more, but those earlier childhood memories must have been programmed into my subconscious, and I could only find it till I formed my own family.  Even though today my father still believes in body punishment on little naughty kids, and he thought our growth and excellence was due to that strict family discipline, I decide not to listen to him on that and decide to break this family trait since myself.

The EFT and Tapping expert suggested a simple process with two steps.

Process Step 1: Release the pain. 

Tapping and focusing on the memories, and related fears. Clear the fears or pain.

Process Step 2: Give Inner Child what s/he needs at that moment.  

As a loving and caring adult, talk with and give your inner child what s/he needs as s/he is alone now after clearing the pain.  

The biggest relief is when you find the reasons of your issue from your earlier childhood experience, and you love and accept yourself completely no matter what. I found that even without physical tapping, I could feel the relief and re-believing in oneself.

Knowledge means power. When we know that our childhood programming has been subconsciously impact our current life, we could use both EFT to release our tension and negative feelings, and also our Conscious Creative Thinking to decide the changes. For example, I would use mantra to remind myself during tense time, and I would take my two children as my Inner Child, as they need what my inner child needs.  Further, I’m using the Law of Attraction and the Law of Love to wish for my ideal relationships with my husband and children, which I have seen much improved results closer to my wish!    

This exploration will continue: Changing our Subconscious Programming and Manifesting Our Desires with the Law of Attraction and the Law of Love. I will keep sharing more with you, and would look forward to hearing your experience and discoveries as well.

Love In Action 2011 Day 39: Conscious and Subconscious

February 8, 2011

It’s very interesting and inspiring to watch Bruce Lipton’s video for Tapping World Summit:

A great inspiration he introduced is about the difference between our conscious and subconscious, and how they affect our lives. The conscious is our creative thinking, which we know and could control. The subconscious is what programmed like a “tape player”, which we could not talk to change or change by our conscious. He introduced that subconscious is million times more powerful than conscious, and over 95% of our daily tasks are managed by our subconscious, most are not in our awareness.

Our beliefs are in our subconscious, developed through our years of life experience, which we could not change by just positive thinking (conscious). That means, only by positive thinking could not make the Law of Attraction work. Now our challenge is not just manage our positive and negative thinking and feelings. Seems more importantly we need know and manage our subconscious function, which is still a myth to most people.

Bruce mentioned the important concept that we need know how to push the “Record” mode to change our program of subconscious so to change the content of the “tape player”. Can we change the program in a short time which we developed through years of experience and growth? In this video Bruce did not introduce the key of how to push the “Record” mode.

Did this intrigue your interest and curiosity like me? Is the key in the associated EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Tapping solution, or something else? How is love relating to our conscious and subconscious, and contributing to the re-programming process? How our happiness status could be affected by this new discovery? How could this new knowledge and consciousness expand our wisdom? In the following days, I will explore and discover the new secret, not just scientific concepts but also real life verification. Stay with me, and we’ll discover a new world of our being.

My Love Recipe for 2011 day 39 is:

  • Watch the video of Bruce Lipton, have your initial thinking about our conscious and subconscious.
  • Make it a discovery project. Let’s search and study related materials and information online. You may have known more than me. If you have or find anything relevant and valuable, please share with me and others by comments to this article. I would integrate important information in my following writings. Let the mission begin!