Archive for March 19th, 2018

Monday Planning and Focus: Turn a New Page

March 19, 2018

new page

****{{Monday: Planning & Focus}}****

Happy Monday every one!

Are you getting new adventures ahead of you?

This week should be quite intense for me. I’m preparing to become more excited! A new round of warming up for a leap:)

I’d have my 20-minute signature talk ready to review with my mentor.

I’d finish delivering my signature coaching course to my clients and provide more direct support. 

I’d make final decision to see if I’d engage into an important JV partner’s launch. 

I need get ready for my Wednesday trip to a 4-day big live event – Funnel Hacking 2018 in Orlando! It’s interesting to see that many people are already running live videos, organizing parties, and events of event from it. I need clarify my intention and aims for this event, and how I’d create new opportunities from it. 

So refreshing myself here……🙂

How about you? What’s your plan and focus this week? What you’d like us to hold you accountable with? I’d love to hear from you with your adventures.

Let’s reflect and learn from what worked and what did not work for us in the past. Now it’s time to renew yourself and what you can connect with and contribute to the world. Let’s turn a new page!

Welcome to join our Facebook Group Abundant Entrepreneurs for more exciting inspirations!