Archive for November 4th, 2016

Have you found your best mentors

November 4, 2016




This week I am at the New Port Beach of California attending JVX conference. Luckily I have two of my favorite mentors on site: Lisa Sasevich, and Rich German. I am so grateful for them being my authentic role models and business mastery inspirations!!
Lisa Sasevich’s public speaking always enlightens me with new inspiration and action. She is a successful business owner, mentor, queen of sales conversion and a great mother. Her training and mastermind groups are really the top hit in the industrial.
It’s also my honor to support Rich German’s new published book “Blue Laguna: A Paddleboarder’s Perspective” and the non-profit project to protect ocean environment and its animals. So proud of Rich for running a successful passion business to connect JVs together, creating a dream lifestyle and contributing abundant meaningful values to the world! Thank you Rich for the generous blessings of love, dolphin joy and whale wisdom!!:)
I feel lucky to find my favorite mentors who are not only business gurus but more importantly, their authentic being, integrity and social responsibility keep inspiring me to become the best of me, and serve with love, integrity and abundance.
Have you found your best mentors? I wish you have or will have soon. It will definitely empower your life to the next level. I’d encourage you to think about these questions:
  • Who are your best mentors?
  • What qualities and creations of them do you admire the most?
  • What are the best inspirations you have got from your mentors?
  • How would you learn better from them?
You are welcome to reach me if you need more support in this area.
I have shared more inspiring photos and thoughts on Facebook. You are invited to join our Facebook Group: “Abundance Code for Visionaries” for holistic networking and abundance inspiration every day!
To Your Abundant Happiness and Success!
Spring Zheng
Abundance & Thought Leadership Coach
Empowering Visionary Entrepreneurs & Business Owners to Do What You Love and Succeed
Founder of Spring Magic Life Society, Inc.
Email:; or
Skype Account: SpringMagicLife
Telephone: 646-662-8297
LinkedIn Sub-Group: International MBAs Alliance
Spring’s Motto: Love never fails. Live in faith, passions and abundance……